Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello and welcome!

I have tried this before, but there is a LOT to be said for followthrough!!!!  However, for followthrough, you need a bit of desire and inspiration.  Well, I think i finally found it!  And, of course, it has to do with.......FOOD!!!!!
As I write, I'm typing with my salad of mixed greens, chicken, goat cheese, avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes (cherry), and Fat Free cottage cheese, and of course a slice of rosemary/olive oil bread drizzled with olive oil and balsalmic vinegar.  YUMMY!
But I have to admit, though my target is busy moms like me, I can't help but look the our society, which is full of immediate gratification filled, over tired, overworked and SO MANY, OVERWEIGHT people.  We are SO busy running around that we don't take the NECESSARY time to care for ourselves.  We are taking for granted that which we have been given; which is the ability to make GOOD choices and take time to care for ourselves!!
I wish I could pound into heads, the importance of caring for what we are TODAY and improving our health ONE MEAL AT A TIME!  I am also a HUGE proponent of exercise, but we'll get to that later.  First things first. 
As a former stagnant overweight and tired player of the human race, I didn't see that there was another way to live.  But, through the encouragement of friends, I joined Weight Watchers and slowly (painfully slowly), over the course of almost 2 years, I weedled away 52lbs and found myself living a new and healthy lifestyle! 
Nothing made me happier than having my VERY 'proper' mother-in-law grab my butt and say, "Look at that BUTT!"  It certainly helped me to stay inspired and motivated.  But, it took time to learn this new lifestyle.  I now work for Weight Watchers as a leader, and I was thrilled to join their team, because it means everything to me to give back and help others, the way my leader helped me!  There were SO many times I wanted to give up, but I didn't!  I had friends encouraging me, and family members applauding me.  And, soon I had friends following me.  How great is that???
Be that as it may; this is NOT a Weight Watchers Blog.  Simply a blog from a girl who is a Weight Watchers member and employee.
My goal is to take away excuses, one at a time for why we CAN'T live a better lifestyle and switch it to a CAN DO attitude!  I would love comments or suggestions.  But mostly, I would love to inspire.
One of the main challenges I see for people is TIME!  "I don't have time to figure out new recipes"; or "I don't cook" or if I'm on a "DIET", my family will suffer"  Well, those are all well and fine, but let me ask you; if you are living in a way, where you are unhappy, and as a result your FAMILY is unhappy...isn't it worth it to sift through the muck and start throwing the mud (old lifestyle) over your shoulder???  You can only move it one shovels worth at a time.  So, let's start shoveling!!!


  1. Yeah! Love the before and after. Of course you look beautiful in both!

  2. OK, so I love this blog. I will follow it cause I am still struggling with the last 5 pounds to get to goal and I allow myself to get too busy to even go grocery shopping, like sitting in a drive through is faster, HA!
    Thank you Cat for starting a blog about food, our favorite thing, but also our number one enemy!
