Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Busy indeeeed

Well, it's the name of this blog states; BUSY MOM FOODIE!!!  This season took me for a ride!  I can't believe it's been SO long since my last post.  And to be honest, this one will likely be short and sweet!  As with many of you; the holidays took over my life!  It was hard to formulate a thought, let alone, get anything productive done!  However, I have gotten through the holidays; and all that is left, is to tear down our now crusty tree, and set our house back together.  Nothing ships out quicker than holiday cheer after the holidays!

So....what's in store for the new year, you ask?  GOALS!!!!  I'm not a huge resolution person, but I do believe we should have tasks at hand that need to be dealt with.  My first line of order?  Getting organized!  I need a plan to make a plan!  How about you?

I'm still having issues, trying to figure out creative ways to feed my children.  I have resorted to "quick and easy" meals, which don't always equate to HEALTHY meals.  I will ask my girls to formulate their lists of likes and dislikes (in the form of a ready made checklist of course) and start from there!

I have heard many things about "sneaking" veggies into your kids meals.  Some do it in the form of pureeing them.  I don't mind the idea of puree's; but I DO mind that there is a scant amount per recipe, which is unacceptable!  I think our kids can handle more than that, and it's my goal to get it in there and make them like it!!!  .......ha ha ha ha ha....  Okay  MAKE is a strong word!  Let's say "Trick" them into it! 

Now, with that said, I DO believe that we as parents should have SOME say in what our children eat!  Not, necessarily to feed them things they HATE....but they should learn to realize that veggies, for example, have serious HEALTH benefits!  They need to be educated in order to learn to make wiser decisions!  My children are 8 and 10.  These are good reasoning/negotiating ages.  I intend to use this to my advantage!  However, I WILL first start with my checklist just to be fair!!  No use feeding them brussel sprouts when they will NEVER be willing to eat them.  (THAT is something I will puree and sneak in).  I will start with those they like....entice them with those I can negotiate in, sneak in that which they don't care for...and puree those that they think will kill them!  Soon, they'll be in a haze of healthy eating and craving more!!!!!

But first..... Baby steps......

Stay tuned!