Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Busy indeeeed

Well, it's the name of this blog states; BUSY MOM FOODIE!!!  This season took me for a ride!  I can't believe it's been SO long since my last post.  And to be honest, this one will likely be short and sweet!  As with many of you; the holidays took over my life!  It was hard to formulate a thought, let alone, get anything productive done!  However, I have gotten through the holidays; and all that is left, is to tear down our now crusty tree, and set our house back together.  Nothing ships out quicker than holiday cheer after the holidays!

So....what's in store for the new year, you ask?  GOALS!!!!  I'm not a huge resolution person, but I do believe we should have tasks at hand that need to be dealt with.  My first line of order?  Getting organized!  I need a plan to make a plan!  How about you?

I'm still having issues, trying to figure out creative ways to feed my children.  I have resorted to "quick and easy" meals, which don't always equate to HEALTHY meals.  I will ask my girls to formulate their lists of likes and dislikes (in the form of a ready made checklist of course) and start from there!

I have heard many things about "sneaking" veggies into your kids meals.  Some do it in the form of pureeing them.  I don't mind the idea of puree's; but I DO mind that there is a scant amount per recipe, which is unacceptable!  I think our kids can handle more than that, and it's my goal to get it in there and make them like it!!!  .......ha ha ha ha ha....  Okay  MAKE is a strong word!  Let's say "Trick" them into it! 

Now, with that said, I DO believe that we as parents should have SOME say in what our children eat!  Not, necessarily to feed them things they HATE....but they should learn to realize that veggies, for example, have serious HEALTH benefits!  They need to be educated in order to learn to make wiser decisions!  My children are 8 and 10.  These are good reasoning/negotiating ages.  I intend to use this to my advantage!  However, I WILL first start with my checklist just to be fair!!  No use feeding them brussel sprouts when they will NEVER be willing to eat them.  (THAT is something I will puree and sneak in).  I will start with those they like....entice them with those I can negotiate in, sneak in that which they don't care for...and puree those that they think will kill them!  Soon, they'll be in a haze of healthy eating and craving more!!!!!

But first..... Baby steps......

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A day when we celebrate from dawn to dusk, giving thanks along the way. It is also a day that we tend to write off as far as calories go, (because it's only one day, right?) Whom do we have to thank for that? And whom shall we thank when we sit in our food coma that we so excitedly expect to achieve? As Thanksgiving starts on a Thursday, and we usually have family members to deal with until Saturday or Sunday... Have we actually calculated how many days we will REALLY be writing off? And don't get me started on leftovers.
Though I agree that we should all take pause and give thanks, for literally EVERYTHING we have: let us be reminded that we always have "the power of choice" on our side. Choose well this thanksgiving and keep it real. It's easy to let it all get away from us if we let it. So let's be thankful for our power of choice and have a great holiday. Choose wisely. And, happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Say CHEESE!!!!

Happy Friday!!! I'm not sure how often I will update as I'm sure people will get sick of hearing from me.  After all, my husband says these blogs are emotional vomit, and who can argue with that?!  He meant it in the best way possible, because he's NOT an emotional person, and I tend to be OVERLY emotional.   For those of you who know me, you know what I'm talking about!
I have been thinking lately about the choices we make and which ingredients seem to (usually) top the charts.  And because I have small-ish children, one ingredient screamed out at me.  It seems to me that the easiest ingredient (and probably most beloved) is CHEESE!  And why not?  It's so versatile and there are a million renditions of this meltable creamy deliciousness.  You can put it in a tortilla and call it a quesadilla; throw it in pasta and call it Mac n Cheese, throw it on Broccoli and get your kids to actually eat the "green thing", so whats the beef????
The problem isn't the ingredient itself; rather the amount that we consume when we decide to put it first on our plates! 
One portion of cheese is however much you choose to eat, but one serving of cheese is  the amount equivalent to an 8-ounce glass of milk.  That amount is consider to be one serving from the dairy group.  One serving of cheese is:
  • 1½ ounces natural, hard cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, Swiss, Parmesan)
  • 2 ounces processed cheese (American)
  • 1/3 cup shredded cheese
  • ½ cup ricotta cheese         
  • 2 cups cottage cheese (cottage cheese is low in calcium and so you need to eat a lot)

  • In terms of visual inspection:
    • 1½ ounces of hard cheese is as big as a 9-volt battery or your index and middle fingers
    • 1 ounce of processed cheese is as big as your thumb
    • 1 cup of anything is as big as a baseball or your fist
So, my question to you is this: if one SERVING of cheese is 1.5 oz of hard cheese..(or on visual inspection is a 9 volt battery) How many '9 volt battery's' do you think are in a (for example, only) Rubios Quesadilla?? many CALORIES do you think that adds up to?   I will let you know in my next blog! 
Now as a side note; please keep in mind; I'm not AGAINST cheese.  I'm all for it!  I DO, however, believe that this is one of the areas....for the sake of our children....we should be aware, AND approach with caution!

I hope you have an AMAZING Thanksgiving week!  If you have suggestions on topics, please feel free to let me know!  YOU, will inspire me to lead in a new direction!
Take care, and thanks for letting me vent!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Diets and Hamsters

GOOD MORNING!!!  Wow, I had THE hardest time logging into my account today.  I'm no genius, no surprise there!  However, the log in was confusing, because it prompted me to sign in using my "GOOGLE" account.  And, since I HAVE a google account, I tried and tried and tried and it didn't work?!!  So...what is the definition of INSANITY???? Trying the same thing over and over and expecting DIFFERENT results!!
Why did I tell you that?  Not to prove I'm an idiot; moreso to prove that we try over and over doing the same things, HOPING for different results!  I'm NOT the only one in this, I assure you!  I always picture a hamster on it's wheel in the cage.  Does it ever think about where it's going to end up for all that effort?  Is it ever disappointed when it gets off and says, "Oh, wow.....still 'here'!"
As a WW leader, I find that many people start this "diet" so they can lose the weight and get back to eating pizzas and drinking beers like "normal" people. 
I totally get this, because I was the same exact way!  Somewhere in my mind, it didn't occur to me that I had to change my approach to eating and STAY that way, if I expected to maintain the weight loss I had achieved.  But the truth is, we need to change our whole approach to eating, and realize that what we have been doing isn't working for us.  And for most of us, our choices are VERY unconscious.  We equate so many things with food!  Food is Celebration!  Food is Reward!  Food is Comfort!  It's everywhere you go.  Birthday parties, sporting events, weddings, even funerals!  We can't change that part of it.  What we CAN change is how we deal with it.
Convenience is a big problem for us.  If it's quick; we'll take it!  Now, I'm not against convenience foods, per se; because lets face it; we are busy and we need help!  Thank GOD to the person who first thought of this!  However, there is a limit to everything.  Convenience is great, but we need to be wise about whether it's helping us or hindering us.  I love that I can go to Costco and pick up a Rotisserie chicken, because that is something I don't have the time to do.  But, that bag of chips....when I can't have just one (cuz they advertise it that way) might not be the best choice for me!  Conversely; baby carrots?  GENIUS!  If I don't have time to cut up a carrot, I'm going this route for sure! 
It's time to start questioning the choices we are making for our families.  As a person on her own weight loss journey, I was ALL OVER making good choices for myself.  But....I didn't really take into account my kids.  I guess I figured they'd be fine!  I survived Sugar Pops, won't they?  Well, let's just say, it took me two years to learn that my issues started forming in childhood.  Bad food isn't a RIGHT in any way.  Not that we should bar it from our lives completely..... But if your pantry is filled with cereal, potato chips, high fat crackers, cookies, white pastas, and high fructose fruit snacks, (something my mother in law kindly suggests IS "Fruit"), then it's time to rethink what you are doing!
My best suggestion: START SMALL!!!  It's so important to take things that aren't a devastating loss and go there!  Look for healthier replacements!  If you can't replace...then minimize!  
I'm open for suggestions on topics.  I think tomorrow I'll be talking about CHEESE!  The ultimate kids food!

TIP OF THE DAY:  Buy a Rotisserie chicken from Costco or where ever, and debone the WHOLE THING as soon as you get home and put it in a Zip Top bag.  That way you can have it ready to throw into anything you want!  Sandwiches, Burritos, Wraps, Enchiladas, Salads....the skys' the limit!

note: As I'm still figuring out this blog thing, I will try to incorporate quick meals.  If it doesn't work, then I'll just start adding them to my posts.
Thanks for following!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello and welcome!

I have tried this before, but there is a LOT to be said for followthrough!!!!  However, for followthrough, you need a bit of desire and inspiration.  Well, I think i finally found it!  And, of course, it has to do with.......FOOD!!!!!
As I write, I'm typing with my salad of mixed greens, chicken, goat cheese, avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes (cherry), and Fat Free cottage cheese, and of course a slice of rosemary/olive oil bread drizzled with olive oil and balsalmic vinegar.  YUMMY!
But I have to admit, though my target is busy moms like me, I can't help but look the our society, which is full of immediate gratification filled, over tired, overworked and SO MANY, OVERWEIGHT people.  We are SO busy running around that we don't take the NECESSARY time to care for ourselves.  We are taking for granted that which we have been given; which is the ability to make GOOD choices and take time to care for ourselves!!
I wish I could pound into heads, the importance of caring for what we are TODAY and improving our health ONE MEAL AT A TIME!  I am also a HUGE proponent of exercise, but we'll get to that later.  First things first. 
As a former stagnant overweight and tired player of the human race, I didn't see that there was another way to live.  But, through the encouragement of friends, I joined Weight Watchers and slowly (painfully slowly), over the course of almost 2 years, I weedled away 52lbs and found myself living a new and healthy lifestyle! 
Nothing made me happier than having my VERY 'proper' mother-in-law grab my butt and say, "Look at that BUTT!"  It certainly helped me to stay inspired and motivated.  But, it took time to learn this new lifestyle.  I now work for Weight Watchers as a leader, and I was thrilled to join their team, because it means everything to me to give back and help others, the way my leader helped me!  There were SO many times I wanted to give up, but I didn't!  I had friends encouraging me, and family members applauding me.  And, soon I had friends following me.  How great is that???
Be that as it may; this is NOT a Weight Watchers Blog.  Simply a blog from a girl who is a Weight Watchers member and employee.
My goal is to take away excuses, one at a time for why we CAN'T live a better lifestyle and switch it to a CAN DO attitude!  I would love comments or suggestions.  But mostly, I would love to inspire.
One of the main challenges I see for people is TIME!  "I don't have time to figure out new recipes"; or "I don't cook" or if I'm on a "DIET", my family will suffer"  Well, those are all well and fine, but let me ask you; if you are living in a way, where you are unhappy, and as a result your FAMILY is unhappy...isn't it worth it to sift through the muck and start throwing the mud (old lifestyle) over your shoulder???  You can only move it one shovels worth at a time.  So, let's start shoveling!!!