Sunday, November 14, 2010

Diets and Hamsters

GOOD MORNING!!!  Wow, I had THE hardest time logging into my account today.  I'm no genius, no surprise there!  However, the log in was confusing, because it prompted me to sign in using my "GOOGLE" account.  And, since I HAVE a google account, I tried and tried and tried and it didn't work?!!  So...what is the definition of INSANITY???? Trying the same thing over and over and expecting DIFFERENT results!!
Why did I tell you that?  Not to prove I'm an idiot; moreso to prove that we try over and over doing the same things, HOPING for different results!  I'm NOT the only one in this, I assure you!  I always picture a hamster on it's wheel in the cage.  Does it ever think about where it's going to end up for all that effort?  Is it ever disappointed when it gets off and says, "Oh, wow.....still 'here'!"
As a WW leader, I find that many people start this "diet" so they can lose the weight and get back to eating pizzas and drinking beers like "normal" people. 
I totally get this, because I was the same exact way!  Somewhere in my mind, it didn't occur to me that I had to change my approach to eating and STAY that way, if I expected to maintain the weight loss I had achieved.  But the truth is, we need to change our whole approach to eating, and realize that what we have been doing isn't working for us.  And for most of us, our choices are VERY unconscious.  We equate so many things with food!  Food is Celebration!  Food is Reward!  Food is Comfort!  It's everywhere you go.  Birthday parties, sporting events, weddings, even funerals!  We can't change that part of it.  What we CAN change is how we deal with it.
Convenience is a big problem for us.  If it's quick; we'll take it!  Now, I'm not against convenience foods, per se; because lets face it; we are busy and we need help!  Thank GOD to the person who first thought of this!  However, there is a limit to everything.  Convenience is great, but we need to be wise about whether it's helping us or hindering us.  I love that I can go to Costco and pick up a Rotisserie chicken, because that is something I don't have the time to do.  But, that bag of chips....when I can't have just one (cuz they advertise it that way) might not be the best choice for me!  Conversely; baby carrots?  GENIUS!  If I don't have time to cut up a carrot, I'm going this route for sure! 
It's time to start questioning the choices we are making for our families.  As a person on her own weight loss journey, I was ALL OVER making good choices for myself.  But....I didn't really take into account my kids.  I guess I figured they'd be fine!  I survived Sugar Pops, won't they?  Well, let's just say, it took me two years to learn that my issues started forming in childhood.  Bad food isn't a RIGHT in any way.  Not that we should bar it from our lives completely..... But if your pantry is filled with cereal, potato chips, high fat crackers, cookies, white pastas, and high fructose fruit snacks, (something my mother in law kindly suggests IS "Fruit"), then it's time to rethink what you are doing!
My best suggestion: START SMALL!!!  It's so important to take things that aren't a devastating loss and go there!  Look for healthier replacements!  If you can't replace...then minimize!  
I'm open for suggestions on topics.  I think tomorrow I'll be talking about CHEESE!  The ultimate kids food!

TIP OF THE DAY:  Buy a Rotisserie chicken from Costco or where ever, and debone the WHOLE THING as soon as you get home and put it in a Zip Top bag.  That way you can have it ready to throw into anything you want!  Sandwiches, Burritos, Wraps, Enchiladas, Salads....the skys' the limit!

note: As I'm still figuring out this blog thing, I will try to incorporate quick meals.  If it doesn't work, then I'll just start adding them to my posts.
Thanks for following!

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