Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Vegetarian is a great alternative

Having trouble getting your kids to eat veggies?  Well, did you ever consider some vegetarian options?  I love vegetables in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures.  However, I know this is an issue for kids.  However, though I mentioned that I didn't really care for the "sneaking" in of food; I'm not unrealistic.  I realize that some kids just need to be hornswaggled.
Last night I decided to try a vegetarian sausage.  Sounds gross, right?  Well, I have to tell you....though it isn't a slam dunk; these vegetarian companies have worked really hard to mimic what we are used to.  But, you still have to go in with an open mind. 
I saw a recipe for stuffed mushrooms, with vegetarian sausage and it looked really good.  The kicker in all of this was, I was still in a food  coma from Sunday's superbowl party, and the recipe looked easy on my digestive tract as well is a very healthy option for what is otherwise known as a decadent delight.  
The sausage came in a roll and it was called "Gimme Lean" (a take on Jimmy cute, huh?).  When I opened the package and put it in the pan, it rolled out JUST like sausage.  The only difference here was, I could actually eat it if I got it on my fingers, which I would NEVER do with the real thing. 
I realized right away that my "Gimme Lean" would not render like real sausage as there is NO FAT!!  I almost burned it, because in my mind, it WAS sausage.  However, I quickly realized it just needed a quick stirring to warm through.  After that, I mixed it with minced celery, bread crumbs and an egg, and filled my very large portabello mushrooms.  I baked it according to the directions and voila - a delicious stuffed portabello, which served as my main dish.  It looked beautiful and tasted wonderful.  It had all the elements I was looking for - EXCEPT THE FAT!!!  Not that I am against a healthy dose of lard, but it's always good to arm yourself with healthy alternatives.
What does this have to do with feeding my kids?   Not so much, as I didn't even offer them a bite.  However, I found it wonderfully inspiring to broaden my horizons and get some good quality foods into my kids' mouths. 
One trick I have already done, is adding minced celery into their tuna salad sandwiches.  I have also taken them shopping and let THEM pick out their choices for veggies.  And, though they would not be MY choices; I have found that when they are given a voice, they are much more reasonable than we give them credit for.
When they opened my new recipe book to see which recipes looked appealing to them; they went straight to the dessert page (no suprise there).  One chose a cherry smoothie, while the other chose a chocolate mousse with strawberry slices.  All healthy recipes as this is a weight watchers cookbook. 
And, to indulge them, I WILL make their recipes - if only to inspire them to try more new and exciting foods that will expand their palates to a more exciting and healthy way of life!!!

Happy Eats!

1 comment:

  1. That is great Cat! At least your kids eat tuna fish, that is a healthy lunch! I was...notice I say was....going to the store each week and having my kids pick out one of their own fruits and one of their own vegetables to try. It was fun and they really did like getting to choose. They would also try each others which was nice. Thanks for the post, love reading them...keep it up=)
